Sacramento History Online

Historic Sacramento Photograph and Document Archive

Topical Subject Search

All images for Topical Subject Dairying--California--Sacramento
6 Records

[Glenn Dairy building]. [1925]. California State Library, California History Room. 2002-0135

[Clarified Liberty Milk - Advertisement]. ca. 1921. Sacramento Public Library, Sacramento Room.

Cooling Milk & Cream on the Farm. 1918 May. Center for Sacramento History. 1977/103/37

Capitol Dairy, Sacramento. 1925. Center for Sacramento History. 1982/005/5609

Wiseman family ranch, Sacramento. [ca. 1900]. Center for Sacramento History. 1983/188/03

An Invitation to the Sacramento Valley 'Song & Chorus'. 1915. Center for Sacramento History. 1977/x-11/06

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